What were traditional Taiwanese houses like? part 1: Austronesian and Qin dynasty architecture

In Taipei I visited the Lin an Tai Historical house in Northern Taipei next to the Keelung river. It is a red bricked house with Chinese style saddle roof. It has multiple rooms and is surrounded by a beautiful garden with ponds. As I walked there I wondered myself what traditional houses were like in … Read more

why do the dutch love to wear orange?

Finally the European soccer championship 2020 started last Friday. It was postponed with one year due to the Covid19 pandemic but now, together with an increasing rate of vaccination coverage in Holland (Already people born in 1990 can make an appointment) and decreasing Covid19 cases it makes a perfect start of this summer. Right after … Read more

Wild animals in Taiwan

Taiwan is home to about 122 mammal species most of which are small rodents such as squirrels and mice. There are also larger mammals such as the Formosan black bear, leopard cats and some deer species however most of them are endangered and so the chances of seeing them are low. The only mammal which are … Read more