Dutch East India Company (V.O.C.) Forts in Taiwan

During the 4 decades the Dutch East India Company (in Dutch VOC) ruled over Formosa they build several forts and fortifications to protect their possessions from outside threats. Today I would like to dive a bit deeper into these defensive buildings, where were they built? What did they look like and what remains of these structures after 400 years?

Announcement: The Journals of castle Zeelandia!

Lately I haven’t published much on my website but behind the scenes I’ve been busy on a project: the journals of castle Zeelandia! This years marks the 400 year anniversary of the Dutch-Taiwan relations as 400 years ago the Dutch first arrived on mainland Formosa on what is now An-ping district in Tainan. From exhibitions … Read more

Destruction caused by a typhoon at Fort Zeelandia in Dutch Formosa, October 1656

Taiwan is frequently visited by Typhoons. Most of them are moving passed the island but sometimes they also hit the island. When I lived in Taiwan I only once had a Typhoon struck northern Taiwan. Back then I lived in Taipei city, and apart of some rain and stronger wind, in the city center it … Read more

8 historical forts and defensive structures in and around Keelung

Keelung has quite a long history and has been an important port for Taiwan for centuries. Due to this importance, local rulers felt the need for defensive structures. Nowadays they are not in use anymore and are popular tourist destinations. Today I would like to go with you through the list of historical forts and … Read more

The Dutch Conquest of Spanish Formosa: The attack on Fort San Salvador, Keelung in 1642

This is the story of the Dutch conquest of Fort San Salvador and the Spanish town La Sanctissima Trinida ( current day Keelung) in the year 1642 as described by P.A. Leupe in his work “DE VEROVERING VAN HET FORT: LA SANCTISSIMA TRINIDADE, OP FORMOSA, IN 1642″. In his work he both uses descriptions as … Read more

Exploring 6 popular traditional fishing warfs and harbors in Taiwan

Are you looking for the best places to find Seafood and experience the sea traditions of Taiwan? Today I would like to show you some of the best traditional fishing harbors you can visit in Taiwan. Taiwan has a rich historical and cultural tradition in fishing. This is not a supprise being an Island surrounded … Read more

The rise and fall of Dutch Formosa (1624-1662)

I heard for the first time there was a Dutch Settlement by the VOC in Taiwan in the 17th Century when I went to travel to the city of Tainain in the South of Taiwan. We went to have a look at the An-ping fort (remains of fort Zeelandia) and to Fort Provintia. There were … Read more

Must see: 5 Amazing traditional Taiwanese houses!

When you travel to Taiwan you will soon see that Taiwan is a country where modern meets tradition. This is no different when you look at the architecture of buildings on the island which are influenced by many cultures over the last centuries. For thousands of years Austronesian tribes lived on the island of Taiwan … Read more