The Netherlands has a great Maritime history. It is thus not strange that there are still many nautical events organised. The largest of them all is Sail Amsterdam and is held every 5 years. Unfortunately every last event was canceled and the next event will be in 2025! Luckily there are more events where large sail ships come to visit!
One of those events is called the Tall ship races. Tall ships (large sailing ships) sail from Denmark via Netherlands to Antwerp and then Back to Denmark again!
On board are many (young) trainees who learn to work as a team and get an amazing experience.
In thursday about 40 Tallships sailed into Harlingen Haven which was an amazing sight!

Once all ships have docked it is possible to have a look on board. And the crew gives you a warm welcome! In the harbor there are many food stalls, a market. Music is played and even a Ferris wheel where you can overlook all.
Both friday and Saturday the crew of the ships will give a parade. And all days you can sign up for 2 or 3 hour sailing trips on one of the ships.

This amazing event can be still visited during the rest of this weekend (July 14-17). Sunday July 17th the tall ships continue towards Antwerp!
More info about the route they sail can be found here. More info about the tall ships here. And more about the event in Harlingen here.