答案是Yes! No! 答案是Yes!
***update April 7th***
Is Keukenhof going to open in 2021? The answer is yes! Keukenhof is elected as one of the events/location to open as a test event to see if it is safe to open to the public despite the Covid situation. As a result the park will open on Friday 9 of April, until Sunday April 11th. However read the conditions carefully
After that Expected is that maybe from April 21st Covid restrictions will be further loosened
Things to consider if you want to go this weekend:
- you need to book in advance on www.keukenhof.nl
2. Make an appointment to test yourself at testenvoortoegang.nl this test is free.
Mind the following things:
- test results need be maximum 40 hours old.
- ONLY test at a location given on the website above
- other tests, a proof of vaccination or self tests are not valid
After testing you will receive the test result by mail within an hour
3. Download de CoronaCheck-app on your smartphone via de App Store (Apple) of Google Play Store (Android).
4. Fill in the code received in the email with test results code into the CoronaCheck-app: you will receive a digital test result
5. Visit keukenhof on the booked date and show:
- The proof of test in the CoronaCheck-app (de negative result)
- Keukenhof entrance ticket
- your passport identity card
***Update March 13th***
Due to current Covid19 restrictions the park is not allowed to open yet. If situation changes I will update this post.
**initial post: October 17th***
而位於荷蘭的Keukenhof 是世界著名的公園,也是世界上最大的花園,又稱歐洲花園.
它的主題是“色彩世界”。 同樣在今年,製作了特殊的馬賽克來慶祝米菲Miffy 65歲生日。 種植了2000多個風信子。 附近還種有以米菲命名的鬱金香! 我真的很好奇春天會變得多麼美麗!

該公園有6個獨立的區域,以荷蘭王室成員的名字命名。 每個都有自己的花卉展覽。 單擊下面的按鈕可以下載公園地圖。

- 社交距離(兩個人之間至少保持1.5m距離)
- 其他衛生措施
- 清晰而充分的信息
- 每天和時段的最大訪客數量
我個人的看法:因為它是一個室外公園,並且通風良好,我想如果他們控制人群的話,讓遊客可以在一定時間段內進入公園並進行單向步行。 那麼,社會隔離應該沒問題。 我更擔心往返於公園的公車出行。
只能在網上購買門票 the Keukenhof website
票價為兒童€9,00 ($300NTD),成人€18,50 ($630NTD)。
Age group | Cost (€) |
Adults | €18,50 |
kids (0-3 yr) | free |
kids (4-17 yr) | €9,00 |
groups (>20pers) | €17,00 |
parking fee (cars) | €6,00 |