Demography of Taiwan

Some facts about Taiwan Demography, source: National Statistics bureau Taiwan.

How many people live in Taiwan?

Taiwan is a densily populated country. because half the country is forest and mountain area most of the cities are concentrated on the plains area in the north, west and southcoast of the island. Currently about 23,5 million people live in Taiwan.

The number of population grew from about 10 million since they started counting in the 1960’s to about 23 and a half million today. Population growth has now halted and is even slowly declining as the population ages.

Population density is one of the highest in the world with 641 persons per square km. (This is even more than the Netherlands. with at 517 person per square km)

population growth in Taiwan

Age of the Taiwanese population

The Median age of the Taiwan Population is 42.59 years.

Taiwanese population sorted by age as of 2020

What is the largest city in Taiwan?

Majority of Taiwanese people(about 69%) live in the largest 6 cities. The largest city being New Taipei city with 4 million citizens, followed by Taichung and Kaohsiung.

City citizenspercentage
總計  Total23,566,471
新 北 市 New Taipei City 4,029,92017%
臺中市 Taichung City 2,817,54712%
高 雄 市 Kaohsiung City 2,767,38312%
臺 北 市 Taipei City 2,608,33211%
桃園市 Taoyuan City  2,265,94010%
臺南市 Tainan City 1,875,9098%
Total citizens and largest cities in Taiwan. (Oct 2020)

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