B02| 大家新年快樂,身體健康!

Happy new year everyone!

I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. As currently Holland is in lockdown due to COVID19 most Dutch families celebrate Christmas and New Year with not too much festivities. However some traditions still can be kept. Like always at New Year traditionally we eat the Dutch “oliebol” which is a kind of fried dough. Often covered with sugar, but sometimes also the dough is mixed with pieces of apple or raisins and it is very delicious!

Also many people put up lights in the garden or window to light up the cities during the dark winter days. One thing lots of boat owners do is to hang lights up in their mast. Al of this makes an evening walk for some fresh air very nice!

Another traditional thing to do for the brave people is to go for a new year swim into the cold north sea! (I never tried it yet, way too cold for me!!!)

The biggest swim is every year organized at Scheveningen beach unfortunate. Last year October the Taipei representative in the Netherlands Ms. Chen said she would join if enough people liked her facebook page. Well guess what? enough people liked! and even though the big event got canceled due to covid. She and her family still kept her promise and went for a Swim on their own!

In the meanwhile I’ve been continuing to work on this website. With the need to stay inside due to covid lock down I have some time at hands to keep working on it. I hope you like some of the new articles and the new layout.

Lets hope 2021 will be a great year!

My best wishes to everyone and thank you for reading.

-Mr A.-

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